The Moose Is Loose

The Moose Is Loose

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ayer fue Sabado, Manana sera Lunes.

Jesus Christ, today sucked.  Last night we planned to attend Shakespeare in the Park but found that it was by ticket only, to a sold out venue.  So, says I, "It seems a shame to waste getting all dressed up, let's go to a movie."  We went to see "The Girl Who Played With Fire" and it was excellent and very loud.  My earmuffs kept a lot of the sound out of my head but today has been like putting my ear next to the crystal wine glass as it is continuously ringing, very loudly.  I feel very expensive and drunk. 

Would I ever want someone to read my mournful postings?   I would rather have a hug but it doesn't really matter.  Sympathy and empathy are not so bad either, I suppose. 

I read obituaries about people who "made a courageous fight" against whatever kind of cancer they died of.  I walk around looking just fine with people wondering why I am such a pussy.  Just deal with it, some have said and I am sure the masses think the same thing.  No one knows what to say, especially after more than 20 years.  Little do they know that the last year +, has been one of less and less backing off.  This shit simply gets worse and worse.  I have done more but have paid a significant price.  I hope to go out with as little rust as possible.  Naval Jelly for the soul; do stuff to keep the rust down and enjoy as much as I can with the time left.

Truth is:  this is a real "PISSER" as folks back home used to say.

Love and kisses
 Mr Spudnut aka Mr. Peterdactyl

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